It was hell here…

... 820 of the Bereza-Kartuzskaya concentration camp, whose name has remained ... shackles at the Bereza-Kartuzskaya concentration camp Pavel Bogush “Is it ... tortured in the Polish concentration camp in Bereza-Kartuzskaya? These ... -Kartuzskaya concentration camp Prisoners' spoons and dish, Bereza-Kartuzskaya concentration camp Pavel Bogush ... for better treatment. Bereza-Kartuzskaya concentration camp, 'Stalin's path' torture ... prisoners The Bereza-Kartuzskaya concentration camp applied the same methods ...

Byelorussia , Bereza-Kartuzskaya , Poland , concentration camp , genocide , violence , memory

Permanent exposition in memory of Bereza-Kartuzskaya concentration camp victims opened

... would not be repeated. “A concentration camp operated in Bereza-Kartuzskaya for ...

national unity day , concentration camp , memory

Sergeyenko honoured the memory of Bereza-Kartuzskaya concentration camp prisoners

... prisoners of the Bereza-Kartuzskaya concentration camp in the Bereza District Mr ... acquainted with the Bereza-Kartuzskaya Concentration Camp, 1934-1939 museum exposition which ...

sergeyenko , concentration camp

Information about 700+ dead prisoners of Stalag 352 camp found by BSU student team members

A student team, entitled Memory and Glory named after the first rector of the Belarusian State University Vladimir Picheta, was established at BSU History Faculty, with its members conducting a large-scale work to establish the biographical data of Stalag 352 prisoners Photo: The students were searching and checking information about the prisoners in the camp book. In total, it was possible to establish information about more than 700 dead. The collected material will replenish the ...

Belarus , BSU , student team , concentration camp

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