Expert: West declared new global arms race, it’s chip battle

Semiconductors based on artificial intelligence are expected to give a strategic advantage in the economy and in the military sphere to the world's leading countries. Meanwhile, Western countries intend to invest over $380 billion in electronic confrontation with strategic competitors in the near future, and it will be a battle of chips. This tendency has intensified the rivalry between Washington and Beijing for advanced technologies that determine the future of the global economy: unlimited ...

arms race , West , Artificial intelligence , Chibisov , opinion

Para bellum?

... reflect on what a new arms race gaining momentum is leading the ... the Cold War, and the arms race between them. Both of these ... are dragged into a reckless arms race, mired in economic stagnation and ... the end of the first arms race coincided with the end of ... enemy even more effectively. The arms race, the initial stage of which ... The second aspect of the arms race is qualitative. It is generally ... to be formed. The new arms race is a serious challenge for ... country does not enter an arms race, yet at the same time ...

world , arms race , AI , army , modernisation

Russia, China called for further efforts to prevent arms race in space

... continue working to prevent an arms race in outer space and to ... joint efforts toward preventing an arms race in outer space and the ... on the prevention of an arms race in outer space on the ...

China , Russia , outer space , arms race

Borrell says EU doesn’t want to enter arms race

... intend to go into an arms race and push for a third ... want to go into an arms race and do not seek to ...

EU , arms race

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