Forest bounties

The best way to relax in September is definitely in the forest — your basket will not remain empty as there are plenty of mushrooms and berries there. Here are a few suggestions on where in Belarus you can enjoy the quiet hunt. Mushroom season in Belarus belta Near Stolbtsy The national poet of Belarus, Yakub Kolas, was known as an avid mushroom picker. He even jokingly referred to himself as a ‘minister of mushroom farming’. There was good reason for this: the writer’s personal record was ...

Belarus , nature , autumn , forest , mushrooms , berries , Yelnya , Logoisk , quiet hunt

Trees enjoy great care and attention

... bank are recognised as a natural monument. Svetlana Prishchepova, Deputy General ... preserve this unique corner of nature, which is home to about ... gardens of Russia. Other living natural monuments will soon receive similar ...

Belarus , nature , Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble , Rumyantsev , Paskevich , botanical , collection , landscaping

‘Passports’ upon arrival for our feathered friends

... in the Nizhne-Svirsky State Nature Reserve, where I was engaged ...

Belarus , Turovsky Meadow , Pripyatsky National Park , birds , wader , ringing , Pavel Pinchuk , nature

Fascinating water-based trips

... plunge into the pristine Belarusian nature and admire the unusual landscapes ... a healthy lifestyle, acquaintance with nature, and the study of the ... to enjoy the beauty of nature and relax during pleasure rides ...

Belarus , tourism , water , active , trips , recreation , kayaking , nature

1,200+ habitats of wild animals and plants protected in Belarus

... Diversity at the Ministry of Natural Resources Ms. Zheleznova noted that ... under protection, the Ministry of Natural Resources ensures the development and ...

wildlife , Belarus , protection , nature

Rare case registered at Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve: mama bear with four cubs

A rare case has been registered in the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, with a camera trap capturing a mama bear with four cubs at once, Anastasia Ryzhkova, who heads the reserve’s scientific department, told the portal photo: “Such cases are rare for Belarus. Our experts know only two similar facts: such a large number of cubs for bears is an exception to the rule,” the specialist explained. The reserve reported that a mama bear with her cubs first got into the camera ...

Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve , nature , bear

News photo: spring at Senitskoye reservoir, Minsk District

Belarus , spring , nature

Picturesque scenery of bougainvillea blossoms in SW China's Yunnan

... spring and the elegance of nature's handicraft. Photos show the ...

China , nature , bougainvillea blossoms

News photo: warm April evening in Belarus

Belarus , spring , nature

News photo: nature awakening in Belarus

spring , nature , Belarus

Media: New Zealand’s Maori king calls for whales to be recognised as individuals and given rights

... than simply as part of natural resources. These rights include freedom ... movement, the ability to develop natural behaviours, express their unique culture ...

whales , nature , people

News photo: Baikonur steppes and their inhabitants (Kazakhstan)

Baikonur , steppes , wild animals , nature

The scent of spring

... beautiful time of the year. Nature is revived after long winter ... delighted with the waywardness of nature. That is why spring is ... windows. The famous Turovsky Meadow Nature Reserve is located along the ... to see the awakening of nature in all its glory, go ...

Belarus , nature , spring , Brest , Turov , Belovezhskaya Pushcha , botanical garden

Earth’s temperature sets new heat records for nine months in a row

For the first time in history, the global temperature on the planet has been breaking records for nine months in a row, of which it has been approaching the ‘ line’ of the Paris Agreement for eight months and exceeding the norm by 1.5 degrees – as stated by the Scientific Supervisor of the Hydrometeorological Research Centre of Russia, Roman Vilfand, RIA Novosti reports PHOTO: WWW.FREEPIK.COM The forecaster noted that February became the ninth record warm month on the planet in a row. “At the ...

nature , temperature , climate , meteorology

News photo: pair of swans returned to nesting in Buda-Koshelevo District

Belarus , swans , nature

News photo: Spring in Belarusian forest

Belarus , nature , spring , forest

R&D establishment in Belovezhskaya Pushcha to study wildlife

In 2025, a modern international scientific-research centre will be built in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park to study the wildlife According to Aleksandr Ovsey, the Deputy Director General of the national park, the idea of building such a centre was born a decade ago. “A concept was eventually decided upon, and pre-design work is already being completed. The ground floor will house laboratories of theriology, auroch studies, ornithology and entomology, botany and forestry, soil science ...

belovezhskaya pushcha , nature , national park , r&d

Keeping in mind rare species

... direction in our country’s nature protection, with a new edition ...

Belarus , nature , red book , rare , species

26 Belarusian wetlands are of international importance

... Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Main Department of Waste ... importance for the preservation of natural ecological systems of biological and ... landscape diversity and natural heritage. “These territories are an ... objectives is the preservation of natural bogs. The document has been ... Government and the Ministry of Natural Resources, that define, among other ...

Belarus , ecology , nature , wetlands

Environmental agencies of Belarus, China signed co-operation development roadmap

Belarus’ Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Andrei ... 2024-2026, Belarus’ Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection reports ... delegation of Belarus’ Ministry of Natural Resources to China. The roadmap ... countries," the Ministry of Natural Resources stressed.

Belarus , china , nature , environment

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