Sergeyenko: preventive action and strict responsibility needed to save people’s lives
The Head of the Belarus President Administration, Igor Sergeyenko, has taken part in a sitting of the Vileika District Executive Committee which studied realisation of the President’s Directive as of March 11th, 2004: On Measures to Strengthen Public Safety and Discipline
The figures and facts demonstrate that the district continues its work to prevent deaths from external causes, while taking effective measures to ensure people’s safety.
Mr. Sergeyenko emphasised the need to strengthen fight against drunkenness, and also to ensure stricter control over dysfunctional families and those leading dangerous lifestyle. “To mitigate the negative factors and to preserve people's lives and health, two components are needed: strengthened preventive actions and strict responsibility for violating discipline at all levels,” he stressed. “Those who fail to perform their functions should bear strict responsibility. It’s no need to rely simply on the police, the Emergencies Ministry or the narcological service. Performance discipline must be ensured everywhere. Perhaps time has come to somehow update the directive – taking into account modern internal and external challenges.”
The Head of the President Administration also shared his view on numerous destructive information attacks aimed at discrediting the authorities, “It is not necessary to pay attention to this and explain every fake away. We should rather be engaged in hard driving work. To ensure this, it is enough to be the first to share truthful information, even if it is somewhere unpleasant.”