SCO: Belarus’ referendum was transparent and aimed at development of democratic processes
An observer mission from the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation monitored the nationwide referendum on amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus from February 26th-27th – working at the invitation of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry. Fourteen observers were accredited, including representatives of legislative, electoral bodies and diplomats of the SCO member states, officials of the executive committee of the SCO regional anti-terrorism structure.
The mission members met with representatives of the Central Commission of Belarus on Elections and Holding Republican Referenda, foreign states and international organisations, as well as city, district and precinct referendum commissions and public observers. During the referendum, as the SCO noted, various information technologies were used, which contributed to ensuring transparency, publicity, public control, as well as excluding the influence of administrative resources.
“The mission has not received any comments related to the course of the campaign. On the main voting day, our observers worked in the capital, the Minsk and Mogilev regions. They controlled the closure of polling stations and were present at the counting of votes in Minsk. We can assert that citizens were interested in participation, and organisational training of the referendum commission members was at a high level,” the SCO observer mission head, Kazybek Kochkonov, said.
According to the mission observers, the work of the referendum commissions on the voting day was transparent. Their members had good knowledge of voting procedures, were attentive to voters and ensured a qualified communication with those coming to cast their ballot. The entire voting period was accompanied by a calm and friendly atmosphere. There were no complaints or points for criticism at the polling stations.
“The mission states that the nationwide referendum on amendments and additions to the Constitution complied with the requirements of the legislation of Belarus and the international obligations assumed by the country. No violations of the norms of national legislation were registered. We admit that the referendum was conducted transparently and openly, and was aimed at further development of democratic processes in Belarus,” Mr. Kochkonov stressed.