Posted: 11.01.2023 11:43:00

New Zealand banned tobacco sale to those born after 2009

New Zealand has decided to fight for improving the quality of its citizens’ life in a non-standard way: a ban on tobacco sales for persons born after 2009 has been introduced, reports

Ayesha Verrall, the Associate Minister of Health, noted that such measures will enable New Zealand to save $5bn due to the absence of the need to treat smoking-related diseases: cancer, strokes, heart attacks, and others. "Thousands of people will live a longer and healthier life," she stressed.

Measures are also being introduced that are aimed at reducing tobacco consumption in the country: i.e. the number of retailers who sell the relevant products will be cut by 90 percent, and nicotine content will be reduced in tobacco products.

Law violators will have to pay a fine of up to $96,000.