Posted: 19.11.2021 13:12:00

Myśl Polska: Poland sits in a sandbox while serious states deal with migration crisis

This view is expressed by a historian, the President of Poland’s Roman Dmowski National Foundation – Przemysław Piasta – in his analytical article for Myśl Polska. InoSMI portal has posted a translation of the text.

Photo by Yuri Mozolevsky

“While frivolous states deal with frivolous matters, serious players are trying to sort out the chaos that has arisen for them. No wonder then that in view of the stalemate on the Polish-Belarusian (and, accordingly, European-Belarusian) border, they entered the game,” Mr. Piasta says.

The historian recalls that the President of France, Emanuel Macron, discussed this issue with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, on phone, while the Acting Federal Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, spoke with Aleksandr Lukashenko. “It’s unknown whether any decisions have been made. Actually, conversations of the kind have another goal: the interested parties have begun diplomatic games. Probably thanks to this, they will achieve a part of their political goals,” the author adds.

“Where was Poland at that time? It has no talks with Russia because the latter is ruled by the evil Chekist Putin… Of course, it has no talks with Lukashenko who, as we know from the mainstream media, is a bad dictator. A strongly ethical Poland does not co-operate with evil dictators, unless it is told to do so by the United States,” the historian notes with irony.

“We have no dialogue with the ‘Lukashenko regime’ as we recognise that the president of the Republic of Belarus is Mrs. Tikhanovskaya, a housewife by profession. We celebrate her on every occasion and treat her with all seriousness. We even presented her with a magnificent villa in Warsaw. If Belarus were to maintain the principle of reciprocity in bilateral relations, it should recognise that the president of the Republic of Poland is Jan Zbigniew Potocki [self-proclaimed president who considers himself the legitimate successor of the Polish government in exile – InoSMI’s remark],” Mr. Piasta continues.

According to the author of the text, “Poland does not remain completely passive. For example, its National Bank will issue a collector's banknote commemorating the victory of the Polish border guard over a group of particularly unpleasant immigrants. This victory apparently surpasses that of the 1673 Battle of Khotyn, the anniversary of which we recently celebrated – and the latter did not receive a commemorative banknote.”

“Thus, when the unruly child plays in a sandbox, the serious players take on the burden of managing reality. It's good that we have TVP on the spot which will explain to us post factum what great merits in solving our problem belong to President Duda, Prime Minister Morawiecki and Minister Sasin. And, of course, we will be left with a beautiful collector's banknote,” Mr. Piasta summed up.