MP: Belarus can wipe off the face of the earth any country that dares to attack it
The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, has held a meeting on military security issues at the Defence Ministry this week. Acute topics were high on the agenda, and the Head of State concluded: it is necessary to carefully monitor what is happening at the state border and to study military affairs, preparing for any scenario. A deputy of the House of Representatives, Sergei Klishevich, shared his views on why this approach is especially important at present.
The deputy believes the good old truth should never be forgotten: if you want peace, you must be ready for war. In his talk with Alfa Radio, Mr. Klishevich explained, “If the enemy understands that every man in our country knows how to deal with a weapon and has at least the basic military knowledge, then they are unlikely to come to our land. In turn, if the enemy has information that there is a mess here, no one knows how to act, everyone wants to get out of service, and the army is weak, then they will probably try to somehow act here.”
In this context, the deputy considers it is necessary to pay attention to the situation in the neighbouring states. “We have studied our neighbours, and we know one ardent country that has long dreamed of revenge since 1939," he said.
“Of course, it is important to get prepared, and then nothing will happen! No one will risk destroying their country. In case of an attack on Belarus, the enemy will face not simply the maximum damage: taking into account Belarus’ agreements with Russia, we can wipe off the face of the earth the state that dares to attack our territory. We must be ready for anything," Mr. Klishevich concluded.