Lukashenko signed decrees to improve system of state security agencies
The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, signed decrees regarding improvement of the system of state security agencies – as reported by the Belarusian leader’s press service
Decree No. 356 introduces amendments to some previous decrees of the Head of State regarding development of the provisions of the updated law On State Security Bodies of the Republic of Belarus as of October 6th, 2022.
Subordination of state security bodies exclusively to the President of Belarus is envisaged, and their system is being improved. Decree No. 355 provides for reorganisation of the Institute of National Security of the Republic of Belarus into the National Security Academy. The document also approves the charter of this state educational institution.
The Council of Ministers and the State Security Committee have been instructed to take measures to implement these decrees by January 1st, 2023.