Posted: 15.01.2025 13:42:00

Lukashenko explained why he returned 2025 investment programme for revision: there must be businesslike approach

The use of funds under the state investment program for 2025 should be efficient and economical – as noted by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko while being reported today on the draft decree of the state investment programme for 2025


The Head of State emphasised that ‘not a single Kopeck should be spent on things we can do without’, “Saving comes first.”

In this regard, the State Control Committee has been given a special instruction to strictly control the spending of the budgetary funds, “Br6.5bn is a lot of money. If we invest this money efficiently, we will get a good effect. We need it today.”

The President also explained why he did not immediately sign the proposed draft decree. According to him, the approval of the document should be analysed in detail with ministers, deputy PMs and representatives of the governor’s corps. As noted by the Head of State, that’s why the number of participants in the event was significantly expanded because there should always be an alternative opinion.

“I didn’t sign this investment programme right away. Let’s take a look at it, let’s take a businesslike approach to it. We need to go deeper, we need to think about how we can get certain income, how we can develop, given the situation around the country,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.