Posted: 03.06.2022 12:14:00

Lukashenko commented on construction of children’s polyclinics

The Head of State has visited the renovated children’s polyclinic No. 9 in Minsk, where he was reported on the development of the paediatric service in the Belarusian capital


Answering the question whether there are enough children’s polyclinics in Minsk, Yelena Bogdan, the Chairperson of the Minsk City Executive Committee’s Healthcare Committee, identified problem areas where their construction is necessary: Minsk-Mir, Loshitsa and Sukharevo.

“We are coping so far,” she noted, adding that Minsk is growing, and the number of children is also increasing.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that it is these polyclinics that need to be built.

“Where there is even the slightest tension it is necessary to settle these issues for children,” noted the Head of State. “However, you have to understand that Minsk is not a remote village. Do not get too involved in the construction of new facilities. If we have enough beds, enough places for treatment, probably, the construction of healthcare facilities can be suspended for some time while this money will be sent to pay salaries to doctors. Nevertheless, do not forget that Minsk also lives due to the ‘remote village’. Therefore, if people apply for help from other regions of Belarus, we need to give them assistance and support... If suddenly (I don’t think it’s on a large scale), it is necessary to accept them both in polyclinics and hospitals. Villages and small towns should not suffer from the fact that medical care is worse there. It is very important.”

The Head of State was also informed about the demographic situation in the country. According to Belarus’ Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich, there are almost one million nine hundred children in Belarus, with boys accounting for 51 percent. Moreover, infant mortality has decreased: it’s lower than ever before.

Aleksandr Lukashenko was separately informed about the functioning of the paediatric service. Yelena Bogdan, the Chairperson of the Healthcare Committee at the Minsk City Executive Committee, dwelled on the personnel issue, which is planned to be settled through the construction of dormitories (enabling to attract more medical workers to the capital) and by increasing the enrolment for relevant specialties in medical universities. Moreover, the President was told about the peculiarities of the new polyclinic, which will serve five micro-districts at once. Aleksandr Lukashenko also visited a number of departments of the children’s healthcare facility, examining the equipment and talking to doctors and patients.