Lukashenko approves draft agreement with Russia on harmonisation of customs law
The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, signed Decree No. 79 on March 3rd to approve a draft Belarus-Russia agreement on harmonisation of customs law and co-operation in the customs sphere as a basis for negotiations – as reported by the Belarusian leader’s press service
Preparation of an international agreement in the field of customs co-operation is envisaged by the main guidelines for implementation of the provisions of the
Union State Treaty for 2021-2023 approved by the Supreme State Council of the Union State on November 4th, 2021.
The draft agreement establishes the areas of co-operation of the two states’ customs authorities (information interaction, joint customs control, categorisation of persons performing customs operations), creation of an interstate centre as part of the Union State’s Customs Committee to co-ordinate risk management, realise analytical functions and monitor customs operations.
Belarus’ State Customs Committee is authorised to conduct negotiations on this draft document and sign it when an agreement is reached within the approved project.