Posted: 14.01.2025 15:15:00

Lukashenko addressed new ambassadors to Azerbaijan, Israel, Kazakhstan, Turkiye, Uzbekistan with words of advice

President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has made personnel decisions today, appointing, in particular, a number of new heads of diplomatic missions of Belarus abroad

Foreign Minister Maxim Ryzhenkov was addressed by the Head of State first: Aleksandr Lukashenko asked him why these candidates had been chosen. The Foreign Minister explained that it had been decided to strengthen Belarus’ important directions with the best trained personnel, “For them, this appointment will be a serious step forward and an opportunity to prove themselves in independent work abroad. Indeed, very competent, trained specialists are needed in Turkiye, Israel, all CIS countries, and Cuba.” He added that candidates had also been chosen for the vacant positions in the Foreign Ministry system.

The Belarusian leader then asked Dmitry Krutoi, “Is everything so good at the Industry Ministry that we are sending abroad its most promising employees?” The Head of the President Administration replied, “To date, the Industry Ministry is fulfilling all tasks, and investment projects are being implemented. You instructed that apart from our two focuses in foreign trade, Russia and China, we should strengthen relations with the CIS countries. Of these, the big three stand out: Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.”

The President also asked the diplomats how they see their work as heads of diplomatic missions, and Aleksei Bogdanov – who will head the Embassy of Belarus in Kazakhstan – noted, “I set myself the task of exceeding exports of Belarusian products by one billion Dollars. Our trade turnover in 2021 exceeded $1bn, and it stands at $1.1–1.2 billion at present, though exports account for just $800-900m – so we need to progress in this regard.”

“At the expense of what?” Aleksandr Lukashenko asked, and the new diplomat stressed the need to develop joint production of tractors and combines. Also, according to him, MAZ, Mogilevliftmash and Bobruiskagromash should be more active in the Kazakh market. “We will deal with these matters. In addition, we need to increase the supply of Belarusian food, including halal products. Of course, we will focus on politics, culture and sports as well, as these spheres need ever attention. It will be necessary to work in all directions.”

The Head of the President Administration added that co-operation at the interregional level is another reserve in relations with Kazakhstan.

Aleksandr Lukashenko further focused on the prospects of co-operation with the countries where the new ambassadors will go to work.


Aleksei Bogdanov, who previously worked as Minister of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade, has been appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Kazakhstan. The President addressed him, “Kazakhstan will buy everything from us if products meet its demand on prices and the quality – especially the latter. You know that not only Russia and Belarus are struggling for this market, but also the West and the People's Republic of China. Therefore, our path there lies through the regions only. It is necessary to establish relationships with specific people and local authorities.”


According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, everything said about Kazakhstan also applies to Uzbekistan, where former First Deputy Industry Minister Aleksandr Ogorodnikov will work as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. The Belarusian leader noted, “We have more than good relations with President Mirziyoyev. They are great, they support us in every possible way, they help us during this sanctions period as well. We need to work with them, and I am sure that there is much room for activity there.”


Dmitry Pinevich, who worked as Healthcare Minister in 2020-2024, is leaving for Azerbaijan as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Addressing him, Aleksandr Lukashenko said, “Azerbaijan is our friend. I thought a lot of whether you can add something new to the present state of affairs. You can. Your character is such that you can come to an agreement even with the devil. As for the President [Ilham Aliyev], any suggestion coming from you will be supported. He is a great friend of our state. We always had a good relationship – with him and his father. Belarus is very well known and loved in Azerbaijan.”


Yuri Yaroshevich, who previously headed the State Protocol Service at the Foreign Ministry, has been appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the State of Israel. The President addressed him, “It will not be easy there. If he [the ambassador] finds the right path, then we will also have good relations with Israel. There are many people there who would not like to build relations with us, but most residents [of Israel] appreciate and respect Belarus.”


Anatoly Glaz has been appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Turkiye. Until recently, he worked as Deputy Head of the Main Department and Head of the Information and Digital Diplomacy Department at the Foreign Ministry’s Main Information and Analytical Department.

Commenting on the level of co-operation between Belarus and Turkiye, Aleksandr Lukashenko, noted, “We do not have what we should. We had a direct dialogue with the Turkish President. We agreed to exchange our actions, but so far we have not observed these steps.… They are not progressing, because we are not engaged into this issue closely. Special attention needs to be paid to that.”

In this regard, the Belarusian leader instructed the new ambassador to Turkiye to convey to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during the presentation of credentials, “We really appreciate the relations with Turkiye, they are very important to us. Actually, we are waiting for steps from them, because we have done everything that we promised.”
