Posted: 23.01.2025 10:26:00

IFIMES experts on Lukashenko's achievements in science, industry, quality of life

On the eve of the Presidential election in Belarus, the International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES, Slovenia) has published a report analysing the activities of President Aleksandr Lukashenko during his time in power, BelTA reports

"Independent analysts believe that the current President of Belarus has achieved several accomplishments during his tenure," IFIMES notes, adding that the most significant of them include promoting economic stability of Belarus and improving citizens’ quality of life, developing key industrial sectors and strengthening the export potential, expanding the country’s infrastructure through the construction of roads and bridges, and some others.

One of Aleksandr Lukashenko's major achievements in rural areas is the implementation of a project to create agro-towns. According to IFIMES, in the period between 2005 and 2010, about 1.5 thousand agro-towns were established in Belarus, and around 8 thousand housing units were built.

IFIMES experts also note Belarus' progress in the fields of science and technology.

Back in his first term as President, Aleksandr Lukashenko's primary focus was to ‘rescue the country from economic collapse’, according to the report. “In his first term, Aleksandr Lukashenko introduced rapid measures to stabilise the economy. These included doubling the minimum wage, imposing price controls, and rolling back several economic reforms implemented by his predecessors. His primary focus during this period was fulfilling his central campaign promise: to rescue the country from economic collapse. Lukashenko faced the significant challenge of revitalising a communist-era economy in a nation of approximately 10 million people. Belarus was heavily dependent on gas and electricity imports from Russia, purchased at subsidised rates. The lack of financial resources to pay for Russian imports made economic co-operation with Russia even more essential for Belarus,” it reads.

The main priority of Aleksandr Lukashenko's second Presidential term was the development of the country based on accelerated social and economic growth. As a result, Belarus became the first post-Soviet country to overcome economic devastation. "In the 2006 elections, Aleksandr Lukashenko secured a third term with 83 percent of the vote. Over the next five years, he prioritised economic development aimed at improving citizens’ quality of life and combating bureaucracy, which contributed to Belarus becoming a more socially developed country overall," the report adds.

In the following years, Belarus focused on modernising and introducing advanced technical equipment, digitalising the economy, developing nuclear energy, and implementing major investment projects in various sectors. The country also participated in Eurasian integration projects, and Minsk was actively involved in resolving regional crises.

In recent years, Belarus has been under severe pressure from Western countries. As noted by IFIMES analysts, most of the sanctions imposed against Belarus, especially after the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, are due to Belarus' political and economic ties with Russia. They add that, observing the war in Ukraine, one can see the wisdom of the Belarusian leadership in striving to ensure Belarus would not share Ukraine’s fate. "They [leadership of Belarus – BelTA’s remark] preserved peace during the most difficult moments, despite facing extensive Western sanctions and even some retaliatory measures from Russia," IFIMES summarises.