Europe will use a new model of slavery
In his talk with the ONT TV channel, Aleksei Avdonin, an analyst with the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Studies, has commented on the influx of refugees to the European Union

The expert mentioned analytical materials prepared by the European Union in the 1990s, “The key point there was how to bring the economic growth rates in the European Union to a level of 5-7 percent, on a par with the United States. As concluded, this could be possible by ensuring intensive migration from Eastern Europe to Western Europe: only then a surge in economic growth could be achieved. That solo entertainer who organised the arrival of refugees from Ukraine is a strategist and economist. He understands that – in order to stabilise Western Europe after the coronavirus – cheap labour force is needed. Such a caricature reflects this ideology. Cheap manpower will replace the Turks who came to Europe in the 1970-1980ss, while Ukrainians will be ready to work for one Euro. This will produce the maximum surplus value. This is a new model of slavery," Mr. Avdonin stressed.