EAEU GDP grew by 7.3% over five years
The gross domestic product (GDP) of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member states reached $2.067 trillion last year and increased by 7.3 percent compared to 2017. This data is presented in the EAEU statistical yearbook for five years, published by the Statistics Department of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC).
The yearbook provides data on the main results of the socio-economic development of the EAEU states in 2017-2021, including population, employment, standard of living, education, prices, GDP, industrial and agricultural production, investments, construction, transport and communications, consumer market, foreign and mutual trade in goods, financial market entities, balance of payments, public finance and monetary system.
According to the report, trade in goods in the EAEU totalled $73.1bn and grew by 33.6 percent since 2017. Foreign trade with countries outside the EAEU countries stood at $846.4bn and rose by 33.5 percent compared to 2017. EAEU industrial production made up $1.447 trillion and increased by 11.6 percent while agricultural production amounted to 138.5bn and climbed 4.6 percent.