Posted: 05.12.2024 11:03:00

Belarus’ National Assembly set to deepen ties with Parlatino

The National Assembly of Belarus intends to establish strong ties with the Parlatino (the Parliament of Latin America), learned from the upper chamber's press service. Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly, Sergei Khomenko, arrived in Panama to take part in the 38th Regular Parlatino Assembly.

The Parliament of Latin America that now represents 23 countries, is gaining strength. Belarus has a permanent observer status there. The Parlatino is working proactively on strengthening democratic trends in the region and ensuring sustainable development of Latin American countries. Its particular focus is on regional integration, peace and security in Latin America.

Mr. Khomenko believes that parliamentary diplomacy may be conduit for mutual interests, including economic ties with the region.

“There are many things in common between our MPs, but the basis for our entire work is the love for our countries, their sovereignty, and historical traditions. The communication that takes place here should ultimately serve the practical purposes of socioeconomic experience sharing and further strengthen the ties between the peoples of Belarus and Latin America," he said.

At the Parlatino forum, the Deputy Speaker had a meeting with First Vice-President of the National Assembly of Nicaragua Arling Patricia Alonso Gómez. As he pointed out during their talk, Belarus has always considered Nicaragua its key political and economic partner in Latin America.

The visit of Nicaragua’s parliamentary mission to Belarus in October 2023 was a sign of a concerted effort to dramatically upgrade inter-parliamentary relations between the two countries. In that context, Sergei Khomenko proposed to further intensify our inter-parliamentary interactions and establish working contacts in order to facilitate all bilateral processes between the two countries. Ms. Alonso Gómez supported the proposal and assured her Belarusian counterpart of her intention to develop and strengthen inter-parliamentary co-operation between Belarus and Nicaragua, in order to ensure peace and prosperity for our citizens.

Today, December 4th, Mr. Khomenko met You Chunshen, Deputy Chair of the Economy and Finance Commission of the National People's Congress of China. The Deputy Speaker praised close co-operation between Belarus and China, especially when it comes to the legislative bodies of both countries. The head of the Chinese mission also stressed that Belarus supports China in many areas, including when it comes to the Taiwan issue. The parliamentary representatives said they expect their ties to deepen further.

At the Parlatino Assembly, Sergei Khomenko also met Alejandro Toro, Chair of the Second Commission on International Relations, Foreign Trade, Defence, and National Security of the Colombian Parliament's Chamber of Representatives. Mr. Toro also chairs the Colombia-Belarus friendship group.

At the meeting, the Deputy Speaker emphasised that we are interested in constructive inter-parliamentary dialogue between Belarus and Colombia, including further meetings at international fora.

The potential opportunities offered by parliamentary diplomacy can facilitate bilateral interactions in politics, trade, economy, education, science, and technology.

The Colombian Congress representative agreed with that, confirming his country’s readiness to continue contacts and meetings to share opinions and initiatives on issues topical for both countries.