Posted: 15.03.2022 11:26:00

Belarus is Russia’s ally, expert says

In his talk with Soloviov Live channel, the Chairman of the Republican Znanie Belarusian Society, Vadim Gigin, commented on fake news related to Belarus’ participation in a special operation in Ukraine

As a programme host noted, the West is now trying to draw Belarus into a Ukrainian conflict in order to start an escalation. In this regard, Belarus is facing a huge number of fakes and provocations.

“The position taken by the Ukrainian leadership is contradictory, and it points to a complete lack of independence. It is extremely important for the West to involve Belarus in these hostilities in order to start an escalation. To constantly introduce new packages of sanctions, it is important to endlessly remain in a state of escalation. The involvement of Belarus will lead to new hysteria and new packages of sanctions, while making it possible to activate our fugitives who are now staying abroad. Poland and the Baltic States are interested in this. On the one hand, the Kiev leaders are forced to carry these orders out but, on the other hand, they understand that this is a deadly threat for them. Therefore, they call our officials and the military with fear in their voice – saying no, this is not true. However, at the same time, they constantly arrange provocations," Mr. Gigin commented.

The expert stressed that Belarus does not intend to enter the territory of Ukraine, explaining. “Our President and the military have repeatedly stated this. The whole point of a special military operation does not imply this. Russia has enough forces and means. Moreover, the Russian leadership and the team as a whole know what function Belarus performs in all this. We are an ally of the Russian Federation, we are connected logistically – so we provide support. We render medical assistance to the wounded Russian servicemen. At the same time, Ukrainian military are also treated at our hospitals. It is the Russians who transport Ukrainian refugees to us," the expert explained.