Belarus’ exports up, with most sales heading to EU in 2021
Last year, domestically produced goods were sold to almost all regions of the world, though sales to the European Union increased most of all: by $4.1bn, or 74.4 percent – as reported by the 2021 Annual Review of Foreign Policy of Belarus and Activities of the Foreign Ministry posted on the ministry’s website
According to the document, the Foreign Ministry’s activity focused on economic diplomacy – as is traditional. The recovery of the world economy had a beneficial effect on Belarus’ foreign trade: last year, the country exported $39.9bn of goods – which was 36.7 percent more than in 2020. Belarusian products of petrochemistry, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, woodworking, food, agricultural and light industries, furniture, glass, fiberglass, and cement enjoyed great demand in foreign markets.
Belarusian products were sold to 174 countries and territories, and exports to the markets of twelve countries resumed. As informed by the Foreign Ministry, sales to almost all regions of the world increased, with exports to the European Union growing the most (by $4.1bn, or 74.4 percent). Belarus stepped up supplies to twenty-one EU countries.
Last year, 24.6 percent more products were sold to Russia, and 25.9 percent – to other EAEU states. Exports to the CIS countries (without EAEU) and Georgia increased by 67.3 percent, mainly due to increased supplies to Ukraine.
Exports to distant countries rose by 21.4 percent, including by 16.1 percent to China. The share of the EU and distant countries in Belarus’ total exports rose to make 35 percent. The balance of Belarus' foreign trade in goods improved by $1.7bn against 2020 since exports growth exceeded that of imports by 9.1 percent. At the same time, the foreign trade balance in goods and services made $3.8bn as a result of the outpacing growth of exports over imports by 3.6 percent – $1.9bn up against 2020.