Posted: 21.01.2025 10:21:00

American show: questionable happy ending

Well, more than half of American citizens are not satisfied with the results of the work of former US President Joe Biden, and – unsurprisingly – the atmosphere in the White House, as reported by NBC, was ‘morgue-like’ there recently: old Joe was leaving his post ‘with the feeling that he contributed to significant victories of the country, which Americans did not appreciate’

Meanwhile, ordinary residents of the United States are trying hard to see a quite tolerable Emperor Trajan in Trump who has replaced the evil Emperor Nero. They are not yet worried about the power of their empire, given that Europe is under control and is actually dotted with American military bases.

Many are convinced that the long-awaited Day of Political Salvation finally came on January 20th, though it is clear to analysts that a new main puppet has simply replaced the old one in the big white building, where the expansion of wars, the incitement of conflicts and the further exploitation of man by capitalist oligarchs are still viewed as the most important goals.

While thinking about this exuberant American show with ‘happy ending not for all’, the understanding that peaceful and calm life, social justice, security, human health, good neighbourliness and co-operation are valued in the centre of Europe – in Belarus – breeds optimism. It is encouraging to know that the wise decisions and actions of the man who took the country’s lead in 1994 have brought Belarus out of political and economic chaos and hell, making it a strong, independent and respected state with worthy positions in many international rankings. This epoch-making achievement of Aleksandr Lukashenko has become an object of envy for many parties around the globe.

During his recent visit to the Minsk Technopark, the Head of State made a very accurate remark: Americans are using Poles to destroy Europe, and there is reason to think that the changes in Washington will not bring the positive results necessary to restore peace in the region. The United States still focuses on the division of Europe and the destruction of the ideas of peace and brotherhood between peoples and countries in order to extract its own selfish benefits from this – as vividly confirmed by NATO’s expansion to the East and the violation of its promises made in 1992 not to interfere in the affairs of Russia and the CIS.

Fortunately, not everything is for sale in our world, and Aleksandr Lukashenko is a prime example of this. His warnings that the continuous statements about ‘the values of democracy and freedom’ are just a veil for the West's predatory plans to subjugate or even to outright militarily seize new countries are particularly relevant today. The American ruling elite does not give a damn about the traditions and values of other nations, it just needs more resources and territories.

I believe Belarusians are aware of this, and they will not allow external forces to put a yoke around their necks and bring their native country down to the level of a pawn on a large geopolitical chessboard. After all, we all understand that many regional and global problems are man-made and masterfully planned, so it is important for all Belarusian citizens not to let themselves be divided, deceived or weakened in this political campaign so that such problems do not come to their home. It is necessary to get united around genuine values and constructive ideas and to make the right choice for the sake of the future. Importantly, this should be done without glancing back at those who look at Belarus through optical sights.

By Davide Carbonaro