Posted: 31.08.2021 00:56:25

American fiasco

Commenting on the terrorist attacks in Kabul, a publicist and political scientist, Aleksei Dzermant, shared his view: Americans’ withdrawal from Afghanistan is a fiasco 

A terrorist attack resulted in the death of over a hundred of people, including 13 American servicemen and at least 28 Taliban and this, according to the expert, should be regarded as a signal from a third force.

“Everything that has happened, firstly, indicates that Americans cannot even ensure the security of the airport, and, secondly, the Taliban do not fully control the situation in the country. There is a third force: extreme radicals who will not make any deals with Americans and are set up for external expansion. Actually, the attack took place not accidentally at the end of the US evacuation mission. Moreover, it was aimed against Biden and the Taliban. It was politically clear: to show that Americans are weak, Biden is inadequate in his policy, and the United States has weakened. This will cause a serious internal political discussion, if not a crisis, in America. We can evidence already the ideas of Biden's resignation. Moreover, another purpose was to show that the Taliban is not the only force in Afghanistan,” Mr. Dzermant told Alfa Radio.

“From an image point of view, the withdrawal of Americans from Afghanistan is a fiasco, although – we can’t but admit – it’s not a simple task to take out 100,000 people in two weeks. On the one hand, Americans seem to be doing everything right for themselves: they stop spending money on the war, leave when it is impossible not to leave, take out supporters. However, at the same time, they bear enormous image losses. Everyone in the world sees that Americans fail to cope with the situation well and their departure is ill-mannered,” Mr. Dzermant concluded.