Posted: 02.11.2021 09:02:00

Administrative burden to be eased for businesses

Businesses appreciate planned reduction of the administrative burden – as stated by the Director of the Business Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers named after M.Kunyavsky, Zhanna Tarasevich

On the eve of a meeting of the working subgroup engaged in development of reasonable proposals to reduce and simplify administrative procedures in certain areas of public relations, Ms. Tarasevich noted, “For a business, an administrative procedure is actual costs. It will work faster and more efficiently if administrative procedures are reduced. The price of services and goods relies on this.”

Ms. Tarasevich said that the business union is now collecting proposals from representatives of the business community to reduce administrative procedures. “We’ll further consider these issues and submit the processed proposals to the Economy Ministry. I can mention the healthcare industry as an example in this regard. At the moment, it is a fairly regulated branch in terms of obtaining a license. In addition to licensing, employees and workplaces must be certified, and medical equipment is to be registered. All these administrative procedures involve real people, deadlines, certificates – and so on. If we simplify something and remove unnecessary links, then this will be a step forward,” she stressed.