Posted: 28.03.2022 11:06:00

45,000 people visited Minsk Book Fair

295 exhibitors from 13 countries presented their new books at 29th International Book Fair which completed in Minsk

Igor Buzovsky, Belarus’ Deputy Information Minister, thanked all participants of the multi-day book marathon, “I am pleased to state that over 45,000 people have visited the fair – which is a wonderful result, taking into account the fresh weather outside. Pleasingly, the exhibition attracted many young people – we had developed a whole educational portal for them. The emphasis was placed on the most popular literature: educational, children's, historical. There were many unusual and interactive stands. For example, a calligraphy stand enabled young people to train handwriting since calligraphy is a problem for most schoolchildren in our present time of gadgets.”

According to the official, a commercial aspect also proved to be positive at the exhibition as discounted editions were on sale there. “The fair participants reported on successful sales, despite a general increase in prices for books since last year. Happily, for many, books remain a strong incentive for self-realisation and effective education of the younger generation. Thanks to such campaign, we cannot but realise that the interest in printed publications and paper books is still alive, and that Belarusians are a reading nation,” he added.

Belarus’ Union of Writers and the Printed Media House were awarded for their assistance in organising and holding the exhibition. The main exhibitors received well-deserved awards and diplomas.

The Minsk International Book Fair will celebrate its anniversary next year. It is scheduled for March 2023.