‘Jesuit College’ resumes its activity at the National Art Museum

Students and senior pupils try role of pupils from the past

By Yevgeny Sokolov

‘Jesuit College’ resumes its activity at the National Art Museum

‘Jesuit College’ at work in museum
‘Jesuit College’ at work in museum

As part of the Tempus discendi est! It’s time to learn! interactive programme, students of higher education establishments and senior pupils from schools across the Leninsky District of Minsk have been immersing themselves in Jesuit College style learning. The youngsters fulfilled tasks similar to those that would have been set hundreds of years ago, in Latin, rhetoric, etiquette, drawing and music.

“We’ve tried to create the atmosphere of lessons in Jesuit Colleges,” explains the Head of the Museum Pedagogics Department for Scientific and Educational Work at the National Art Museum, Nadezhda Krasutskaya. The project has aimed to arouse interest among the younger generation in the sciences, culture and art. “The museum is for young people, being a place to enjoy authenticity,” notes Ms. Krasutskaya.
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