531 Belarusian residents have celebrated their 100th anniversary

Revealing interesting details of rating

531 Belarusian residents have celebrated their 100th anniversary. Women are traditionally the most women: 464 women being older than 100 years against 67 men (7 times fewer).

According to experts from the Labour and Social Protection Ministry, as of January 1st, 2016, there were five Belarusians older than 110 years in the Republic, with two of these (aged 115 and older) residing in the Grodno and Minsk regions. They were born at the beginning of the previous century.

The Grodno Region takes the lead among the country’s regions in the number of those who are long-lived having 106 people (older than 100 years) as of January 1st, 2016. The second position in the gerontological rating is occupied by the Minsk region (94), followed by the city of Minsk (74). Meanwhile, 70 long-livers reside in the Brest area and 69 centenarians live in the Gomel Region, followed by the Vitebsk region (65) and the Mogilev Region (53).

By Olga Voropaeva

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