Positive balance fruitful for trade

Speaking at a session of the Council of Ministers’ Presidium, Belarus’ Foreign Minister, Sergei Martynov, has stressed the importance of co-operation between Belarusian companies and transnational corporations

By Olga Belyavskaya

He presented the national programme for 2011-2015 export development, which focuses on the importance of domestic enterprises’ participation in global production chains of transnational corporations and the need to increase our share of service exports within our total export volume.

The programme outlines directions of work regarding the improvement of instruments of export support and enhancement. In particular, it contains plans for the modernisation of existing companies and the establishment of new export-oriented facilities in the sphere of high-tech and science intensive products, with high added value. The programme analyses modern trends on international markets, while outlining regional and national priorities. It defines approaches to developing the export potential of Belarus’ leading branches and enterprises, with provision for reaching a positive foreign trade balance.

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