Persuasive power of war related facts

Gomel’s Regional Museum of Military Glory displays artefacts abroad for the first time

By Valery Sidorchik

On February 1st, 2011, the Gomel — a Belarusian City in World War II exhibition is to be launched in Scottish Aberdeen’s Gordon Highlanders Museum, showing the truth regarding the heroism of the Belarusian nation. The nation struggled against foreign invaders, with people suffering during the fascist occupation of 1941-1943. “It’s vital that we don’t just enter the international arena but make our own contribution, counteracting attempts to falsify the history of the war, as recently seen in the West,” notes Museum Director Pavel Zhdanovich.

The event in Scotland will last until late June. Meanwhile, negotiations are being held with the Museum of the Resistance of Clermont-Ferrand (France); an exhibition dedicated to the partisan movement in the region during the war years is planned.

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