No rapid changes are expected

According to data from a survey of sample households, almost 70 percent of Minskers assess their material wealth this year as average
By Alexey Svetlakov

According to data from a survey of sample households, almost 70 percent of Minskers assess their material wealth this year as average

The proportion of households declaring an increase in their material wealth this year amounted to 14.5 percent compared to last year. Meanwhile, 60.9 percent of those surveyed declared their financial status to be stable whilst 24.6 percent believed that it has worsened.

Among the households who noted improvements in wealth compared to the previous year, 49.4 percent connected this to an increase in employment incomes, 34.3 percent thought it was due to the appearance of a new or additional source of earnings whilst 6 percent believed it to be as a result of the rise in pensions and allowances. A significant rise in prices was the major reason given by 55.1 percent of those with a negative response. For 8.4 percent of those polled, the worsening of their financial situation is linked to a change of job, part-time work or loss of work, 7.2 percent blamed a reduction in income and 7.7 percent retirement.

According to the data from the sample of households, most Minskers (62.1 percent) believe that next year their material position won’t change while 24 percent forecast an improvement and 13.9 percent predict it will worsen.
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