No Need for Words...

The International pianists’ contest “Minsk–2005” was a full house
Tchaikovsky is performed again in the Philharmonic Hall. And how it is performed!.. I cannot find a single vacant seat in the hall and cannot take my eyes off the most amazing scene: some very refined-looking ladies have stationed themselves right on the stairs leading from the gallery to the stalls and are listening reverently to the music... And I claimed knowing my city!
As the Philharmonic Hall’s usherettes say, all the concerts of the International pianists’ contest “Minsk–2005”, from the very first one till the final one, have been the same super-success. The usherettes are happy... They are, of course, interested persons, but their happiness is of a different kind: they are happy to see that Minsk is able to appreciate sophisticated art! This fills me with an inspiring joy and pride as well.

Appreciative audience is a great motive for musicians. This contest, which is already the third one, has gathered the biggest number of participants — almost one hundred people from 14 countries of the world. Only six of them reached the final third round... According to the chairman of the international jury, Igor Olovnikov, the most difficult to these talented people was to withstand such a “marathon” — every new round required preparation of a separate solo concert. One can understand why the winners of the contest’s Grand Prix — Alexei Chernov from Russia and Timur Shcherbakov from Belarus — received a 10-minute storm of applause from the audience. By the way, the diploma-winners — Konstantin Krasnitsky, Vasily Netuk, Vitaly Stakhilevich and the youngest of them Vlada Shatskaya (All of them are Belarusians) — were granted the same hearty applause.

These musicians had already demonstrated their talent many times at various international competitions, so one can hardly reproach the international jury of professors of the musical academies of Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Poland and Germany for being biased against the other participants of the piano contest “Minsk–2005”. The fact is that a Belarusian pianist has turned into a brand, in favour of which, first of all, the audience votes.

Irina Troyanova
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