Mood of evening capital

Fanciful game of light and shadow transfigures festive cityBy

Polina Lokhmanenko

On Christmas eve, I wonder who is responsible for the festive pre-New Year mood of the city’s residents. Shops large and small are illuminated like rainbows, competing to show their products in the most attractive light to buyers.

Gradually, the city is gaining new features and its appearance over Christmas is impressive. Avenues and streets are lit in an artful manner, while trees decorated with bright fairy lights are becoming commonplace; parks are full of lit characters from New Year fairy tales.

Staff from Minsk-Reklama city advertising agency tell me that the demands placed on the capital’s lighting are simple: everything should be festive, beautiful and create a good mood. The agency has created a fairy tale on the city’s streets, paid for from Minsk’s budget and fulfilling their own artistic potential.

Some novelties have been applied this year, in addition to traditional decorations. For example, lit fountains have been launched in many Belarusian cities, in addition to the usual luminescent fairy lights. This bright and attractive decorative element is common in Europe but has been a surprise for Belarus. Moreover, this year, the capital has another site in which to celebrate Christmas and organise mass New Year celebrations: near Minsk-Arena, the ultra-modern sports complex. The latter has already become a city sight, with many Minskers gathering to enjoy its unique lighting.

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