Great art to create happiness

President gives traditional reception on the occasion of the Old New Year
By Vladimir Khromov

Distinguished state and public figures, workers of art and sport, as well as journalists were invited to the solemn reception where Alexander Lukashenko addressed the gathering, “Our happiness is not a gift from above, but a great art which people create daily with their own hands. It is in our power to choose how happier we will be in the New Year. All of us want our country to be successful, but how does this success manifest itself? Behind figures and indicators we often do not notice more important things. This country, which has Olympic champions, Academy of Sciences and national opera art, is successful.”

The President noted that maybe it is an unusual view, but at the same time art is spirituality, science is intelligence, while sports victories are an alloy of the strength of mind and the physical abilities of the people. “Any success in these spheres represents the state in the world better than any diplomacy. And if the country has the conditions to develop these talents, it means that it is a rather successful country. At least, it can attempt such rank,” stressed Mr. Lukashenko.

Alexander Lukashenko noted that victories in large international competitions, or decisive goals in a match, are not just sporting episodes, but the limit of human forces, the surpassing of which seems sometimes impossible, “But each time it is overcome by an improbable effort and pressure of will. During such moments everyone feels unbelievable elation and pride for this victorious moment, for our country,” noted the Head of State.

The President is convinced that it the same for creativity. For example, when a performer appears on the stage of such contests as Eurovision, he or she is listened to by all Europe, and people judge a whole country by this one song “Such a situation is difficult even for an adult performer, we hardly need to mention the children. But our children annually glorify Belarus in this prestigious contest. It is time for the adults to follow the example set by the children,” stressed Mr. Lukashenko.

The President noted that similar achievements are worthy of the highest state recognition.

Alexander Lukashenko also presented state awards and Presidential commendations to distinguished people of the country. ‘Today we congratulate those who became successful in creativity, sports and in public service thanks to huge diligence, love for their own job and self-confidence. They reached the top because were really passionate about their job and did not shrink before any obstacles set before them. This is true patriotism.’
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