Magnificent Silk exhibition, held at National Art Museum, demonstrates masterpieces of Chinese 19th-21st century weaving and embroidery

Fascinating world of Chinese costume

Magnificent Silk exhibition, held at National Art Museum, demonstrates masterpieces of Chinese 19th-21st century weaving and embroidery, while vividly describing Chinese ‘costume art’

The culture of silk in China has been known since antiquity, belonging to the period of the Zhou Dynasty, before Christ. For a long time, the technology of silk thread production has been a much-protected mystery. However, even in our time, when silk production methods are well known, China has preserved its traditions.

Magnificent Silk isn’t simply a collection of masterpieces of Chinese weaving but is a bright and wonderful history of costume. Devotion to this craft unites all people of the Heavenly Empire: from the emperor to ordinary men and women.

The culture of Chinese silk costume continues to develop, with shops offering thousands of styles of clothing of various colours. Nevertheless, all are connected by common ancient traditions.

Magnificent Silk offers a unique opportunity for visitors to see the wonderful world of Chinese costume: a bright example of great Chinese art.

By Veniamin Mikheev
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