Each site has its own address

Automated information system of addresses of state land cadastre created for Belarus

The register of addresses should promote the further development of efficient institutes of property management in the country, while enhancing the reliability of its markets and creating conditions necessary for efficient taxation. Moreover, legal guarantees relating to possession and use of property, including housing, will be developed.

The system has been elaborated in line with the 2007-2010 state innovation development programme, launched in 2008 and now having undergone acceptance tests. The experience of 80 countries was analysed to design the system, integrating information resources of state importance, and ensuring transparency and efficiency of state services while minimising bureaucratic procedures.

The register contains the addresses of developed land plots, permanent structures and isolated buildings, with over 2.7m addresses downloaded into the database; including their geographical location. The State Property Committee of Belarus explains that the address system was established in Belarus even before the implementation of this project, but lacked a unified list. The new system will be of great use to various state bodies.

Of course, some sites, located outside cities and towns, lack an exact address, having existed outside a particular state body responsible for addressing methodology. Now, even these sites will gain an address. Naturally, the register will be constantly updated.

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