Civil servants gradually shifting to e-mail

Belarusian Government adopting gradual move to e-services through single portal

By Alexander Velikhov

State bodies and organisations are to move to e-services in three stages. The first is to be implemented from 2012 to 2013, placing documents in e-form, to allow saving, in addition to information about other e-services which are planned for introduction. The second stage is to be realised in 2013, being devoted to an opportunity to fill in online forms of documents via a single portal of public electronic services (including e-payments for e-services provided on a paid basis). Plans also envisage online payments (such as for fees and penalties) through an all-state automated information system.

The third stage is to be realised in 2014, offering electronic documents as a result for the fulfilled e-services, with a secure identification system being set up for individuals and companies, allowing interaction with other elements of the e-government’s infrastructure.

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