Beyond policy and beyond borders

Minsk becomes peace-making venue for humanitarian compromises
Minsk becomes peace-making venue for humanitarian compromises, hosting meeting between High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, Tatiana Moskalkova, and Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Valeriya Lutkovskaya

The transfer of Ukrainian prisoners from Crimea to Kiev came under discussion, resulting in an agreement to liaise in protecting human rights ‘beyond policy and beyond borders’. The Minsk meeting saw the two sides verify a list of persons held in Simferopol pre-trial detention centres and those at penal colony #1. Plans are to move them closer to their families, on Ukrainian territory.

Ms. Moskalkova explains, “We’ve verified the lists and have agreed to move these persons for imprisonment on Ukrainian territory. We’ve discussed mechanisms of application to national bodies for movement of prisoners, as well as other important issues of interaction.”

Ms. Lutkovskaya views the Minsk meeting as having been constructive, saying, “We’ve agreed that this is vital. In this situation, Ombudsmen need to protect human rights. Today’s meeting is the first of its kind and, I hope, won’t be the last.”

By Maxim Osipov
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